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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Voters Say Being 'Like Reagan' Is Most Positive Thing One Can Say About a Candidate

Scott Rasmussen does polls on just about every question of consequence imaginable. In one of his latest polls he asked a sampling of voters what is the most positive thing that could be said about a political candidate.

By far the voters stated that being 'like Reagan' is the most positive quality one could ask for in a candidate.

But some of the other terms we normally use to describe politicians have taken on a clearly negative connotation:

"Progressive” is becoming more of a dirty word, but all political labels – except “being like Ronald Reagan” - are falling into disfavor with many U.S. voters, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

“Liberal” is still the worst and remains the only political description that is viewed more negatively than positively. Being like Reagan is still the most positive thing you can say about a candidate.

Thus, liberals and progressives are viewed negatively while Reagan is viewed positively. Read the entire poll at Rasmussen Reports.

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