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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 9/10/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Walls of the City has an excellent post today, including lots of neat gun photos, entitled, 'Kickin' It Old Skool.' Take a look.

Days of our Trailers provides an update on Illinois Mayors Against Guns.

Notoriously Conservative notes the 'outrage' the Obamanoids feel toward Joe Wilson today...the hypocrites.

Texas Fred highlights the price-tag for the ObamaCare snake oil plan.

Insight on Freedom posts excellent reading on the climate entitled, 'Leader of None.'

From Free in Idaho: 'No Change.'

Robb Allen provides an important update on Sarah Palin. A MUST-read!

Meeting on the Green considers the issue of how we get out of the mess we're in as a nation.

Codrea's War on Guns shows us that the ATF is in the news quite a bit concerning its corruption, and he lists his latest Examiner articles on the subject.

Tam posts 'your Thursday doom and gloom.'

Standing By reports the disturbing news that the Boy Scouts can no longer bring knives to their camping trips.

Way Up North has THE must-read quote of the day from Thomas Jefferson.

Sebastian comments on the divide between the 'prags' and the 'three percenters' and points to more commentary from Joe Huffman.

The Wandering Minstrel has a must-see pic of 'liars caught in the act.'

Pax Parabellum thoroughly debunks Obama's claim that he has 'saved the economy.'

Western Rifle Shooters Association posts a barn-burner entitled, 'Communist in Chief.' Frightening!

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight provides a quip on the subject of magazines.

GunRights4US has a hilarious cartoon and serious commentary from Sarah Palin. Go look.

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