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Friday, August 14, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 8/14/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Mike Vanderboegh reminds us that the jackbooted thuggery of the Feds concerning the Waco massacre during the Clinton-Reno years is still ongoing. Take a look!

David Codrea writes about the unconscionable smears against Oath Keepers and militias undertaken by that farce of an organization, the 'Southern Poverty Law Center.' What a joke!

Days of Our Trailers has the latest on the continuing conflict between Paul Helmke and the NRA.

The Rustmeister asks, 'Are We the People Finally Waking Up?' Let's hope so!

Texas Fred comments on the White House email blast to counter critics of ObamaCare.

Say Uncle provides some links for those of you who like 'gun porn' (firearms photos).

Tam blogs on 'Gun School, Part 1.'

Standing By post some good reading in an article entitled, 'Fighting Back.'

Brigid has some 'post birthday musings' that you will find at once both powerful and heartwarming.

Pax Parabellum points to at least 2 instances where Obama lied...and of course, we all know there are many, many more.

The Wandering Minstrel notes that Obama is in permanent campaign mode.

Nicki shows us that our freedom of speech clearly does NOT include making death threats! Let that be a lesson to all.

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight highlights 'the world's youngest practical shooter.'

Way Up North provides some Friday odds and ends, including a story involving a Ruger .454 Casull revolver.

From Insight on Freedom: 'We Warned the Democrats Would Overreach, and They Have.'

Walls of the City has a MUST-read on some shenanigans at a town hall meeting, entitled, 'Redefining the American Language.'

2A Musing says he needs some serious trigger time and needs our help in finding a suitable shooting range. Take a look.

Free in Idaho posts a must-read quote of the day, which he entitles, 'Wretchedness and Bondage.'

Gun Owners of America offers its take on the confirmation of Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Ol' Broad presents us with some political buffoonery with 'The Chicago Way.' Take a look!

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