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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Exposing Gore's Lies, Defeating Cap and Trade

The tide is turning as the Cap and Trade battle moves to the Senate. Due to the massive outpouring of citizen protest, some Senators are saying the bill is dead on arrival. We'll see.

Here is my comprehensive analysis of the issues related to the bill at Columbia Conservative Examiner.

The rationale given for the bill is based upon lies. We expose them. We also publish the names of numbers of 8 RINOS who voted for it, and 22 blue dog Democrats who also voted for it. They are turncoats.

Be sure to read and tell a friend.

1 comment:

Ron Russell said...

The ebb and flow of issues like global warming is interesting to watch. I suspect thousands of years ago when the first Paleo-Indians crossed into what is now Alaska and continued on down into the United States they were quite startled to see the great glaciers of that time melting and fearing the onrushing water of the great seas and lakes they dimmed their campfires and eventually seeing no results the resorted to sacrifices to the old gods. Now some 15,000 years later again the new cave-dwellers of the vast canyons of the sprawling urban areas are again calling for the dimming of the campfires to stop the rising waters. And I'm sure given enough time will again call for the sacrifice of a virgin to appease the gods of science. Now where to find a virgin may present an entirely new problem. The Chicken Little's of the world will always be with us.