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Friday, May 15, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 5/15/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Tam gets us started today on some cool guns, in case you haven't seen it yet.

Kurt Hofmann has a must-read today entitled, 'How to Disarm the Citizenry in 3 Easy Steps.' Beware, my friends. They have already laid the groundwork.

Gun Pundit posts some stats that show the gun sales frenzy is nowhere near leveling off. The 'Obama Effect' continues...

JR blogs about an important piece of legislation in Texas that would end 'sanctuary cities' for illegal aliens. Good!

Mike McCarville presents his periodic and always-interesting 'Gadfly on the Wall' segment, this time doing a bit of well-deserved bragging on his grandson on a recent achievement. Congrats!

David Codrea provides an interesting read, entitled, 'Pursuing Happiness, Government Style.' Wait till you see what our government is actually funding!

Traction Control sends an early report from the 2009 NRA Convention in Phoenix.

Days of our Trailers is also at the Convention and sends these neat pics from the Gun Bloggers Bash.

2A Musing writes about the Remington 1100 20ga 'Magnum' shotgun. I'm sure all of you have one in your collection?

Say Uncle reports that the ATF is interviewing citizens who have bought more than 5 guns. And just how would they know this? That database they claim they don't have???

Sipsy Street Irregulars has one lolly-palooza of a must-read entitled, 'Live Free or Die.' Read it all.

Armed Citizen issues a special alert to gun owners in Florida. The legislature has pulled a last-minute sneak attack. Take a look, and if you are in Florida, ACT!

Sebastian reports that a VERY special guest made an appearance at the NRA-ILA meet & greet. Photo included.

Way Up North posts his Friday news roundup from the great state of Alaska, including comments on the latest Pelosi scandal...

Breda had a little 'fun' with the TSA at the airport on her way out of town.

Robb Allen received a goodie in the mail from Crimson Trace. Pics provided.

Free in Idaho has a highly thought-provoking post entitled, 'What Were They Thinking?' Take a look.

Pax Parabellum posts 2 videos that are worth viewing on the Pelosi scandal.

From Western Rifle Shooters Association: 'Thuggery and Mob Action, Government Style.'

Texas Fred says that the Tea Parties are a-brewin' again, this time for July 4, and it appears this round will be even greater than those of April 15.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost provides the latest news from the GOA. Good stuff!

Congratulations to The Smallest Minority who celebrates 6 years of blogging!

Walls of the City notes that, finally, after four months of the onslaught against our liberties, journalists are beginning to actually report know, which is their job description to begin with?

Alright. It's time for the finest political cartoons on the Internet. And An Ol' Broad's Ramblings has them. Enjoy...

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