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Friday, April 10, 2009

Can You Get a Fair Trial in America Today?

Answer--not if the integrity of the state's attorney is in doubt.

There is mounting evidence that the citizens have every reason to doubt the integrity of those who represent the state in trials.

Read all about it at Columbia Conservative Examiner.

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Patrick Sperry said...

Great article Anthony! I have been writing about this subject as well as taking a public forum avenue for many years dealing with this issue.

It is my belief that a person can no longer get a "fair" trial. Especially at the local level. If you are going to court for something that is not politically correct you are going to get hammered pure and simple. The prosecution is out to get feathers in their war bonnets, and to heck with justice. From Ramos and Compean to the Senator it is only the tip of an iceberg. Those cases were high profile. What about all those people that get tossed into jail after getting their butts whipped by their spouses and then end up charged..?
Something needs to be done, and done quickly. But, it will not happen. Because that would undermine the politically correct bastions.

Welshman said...

I'm glad you mentioned Ramos and Compean...what happened to them was a travesty of justice.

But there are many others that I could not mention because of length restraints--such as David Olofson.

And yes, something desperately needs to be done and quickly, or else every citizen in the nation is a potential target.

Anonymous said...

We're in the Gulag. When are we going to do something about it?

Welshman said...

Anon--citizen outrage is growing, and the Tea Parties are a small, first step in the direction of taking action.