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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rating Obama on the Issues

According to my ratings on 10 key issues, it is my opinion that Barack Obama is well on his way to becoming the worst President in U.S. history, even worse than Jimmy Carter and Warren G. Harding.

And this is my subject in today's column at Columbia Conservative Examiner.

I deeply appreciate your willingness to read this daily column and spread the word to others.


Anonymous said...

Well damn Tony! With that assessment you can expect a visit from Media Matters! You are pretty much in the same camp that I'm in. The main difference being that I allowed for negative numbers...

I rated him even lower than you did.

Welshman said...

Yeah, I've already been told by Media Matters types that they will try to bury all my articles over at Digg.

Oh, well, I'm glad to see somebody gave him an even lower rating than I did. Good to know there are some like-minded people out there!


pops1911 said...

It won't show on explorer - I've tried several times & no good. I hope that just means it's busy & not censored!!!!

Oh - got it on the 10th try!

Excellent article, too bad the truth hurts. But remember just as the Commies did after WWII, they will try to hide history & rewrite what they want you to hear - it's already started with primary school history books!

Welshman said...

You are right, Pops. The propaganda machine is fully operational in America!

Anonymous said...

Do any of y'all get the feeling we're in the Katyn Forest? I know, I sure as Hell do.