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Friday, February 13, 2009

Yet Another Surprise in the Stimulus Bill

By now people who keep up with the news are aware that the economic stimulus bill the Democrats haphazardly threw together to be voted on this evening is chock full of pork, unnecessary funding of pet projects, and some major surprises along the way, such as a healthcare provision that will limit care delivered to the elderly.

But there is yet another surprise in the bill regarding healthcare. This monstrous piece of legislation that is supposedly intended solely to 'create jobs' for the American people contains a provision to create a national database where ALL of your medical records will be kept electronically in a centrally-located facility of the federal government.

That's right. Your medical privacy, if there ever really were such a thing, is about to go down the toilet.

This stunning development is detailed here. For your own good, you'd best be reading it.

I still want to know how any of this stuff 'stimulates the economy.' About the only thing I've seen stimulated so far is the outrage of the citizens.


idahobob said...

Yup, it creates a new over-bloated bureaucracy that will initially cost more than the combined budgets for the Army, Marines, Air Force and Navy.
They will decide what is best for all of us pertaining to health care. They will decide who will live and who will die.
They will decide what is the most cost effective medical treatment for you and me, not any ol' doctor.
All medical practitioners (includes natural) must be signed up and registered with them, or they face fine and/or imprisonment.
And to top it all off, it is another bureaucracy to track every man woman and child in our country.
This was not on the initial "stimulus " bill, it was an attached rider.

Boys and Girls, can we say.....
Nazi's? Perhaps the emerging, totalitarian, one world government?


Anonymous said...

"They will decide who will live and who will die."- Idahobob

Not entirely, not entirely.

Welshman said...

Bob and SA--some of us are not going to allow it, period! As I said, a groundswell of outrage is growing in the heartland, just under the surface. And when she blows, there will be hell to pay if our 'new world order' leaders are intent on taking us down this path.

Anonymous said...

sort of what I meant.