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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Netanyahu Warns Obama on Talks with Hamas

Israeli candidate for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned Barack Obama that Israel will not be pushed into making concessions to her enemies.

Netanyahu is in the lead in a very close race for Israeli Prime Minister.

During Netanyahu's last term in office during the 1990s, he was forced to make a similar warning to former President Bill Clinton.

Obama has already distinguished himself as being even more pro-Palestinian than Bill Clinton. His policy changes in the Middle East include opening direct talks with Iran, which has stated its goal is to annihilate Israel, and to call the Palestinian leader immediately upon being elected to tell him that the goals of Palestinians are now the goals of the United States.

These terribly wrong-headed and dangerous policy initiatives will hamper Obama's ability to work amicably with Benjamin Netanyahu, who refreshingly takes a realistic approach to Israel's security.


Anonymous said...

As you noted, Israel has been here before. Even though Israel did warn Clinton, they also ameliorated their actions against their enemies in an effort to maintain good relations. It worked to their detriment and established a pattern that was detrimental to them for years afterward.

I truly believe if Obama does not heed the warning from Netanyahu this time, that Israel will not make the same mistake this time.

Unlike us, they tend to learn from their mistakes. If Obama wants to see blood red sand in the entire region all he needs do is abandon support for Israel or declare support for her enemies.

Failing victory in conventional warfare Israel will go nuclear. They really mean it when they say "Never again".

Welshman said...

I agree. This time Netanyahu will follow through until the job is done securing Israel from Hamas.

And Obama had best be prepared for it.