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Thursday, January 29, 2009


In one of the most divisive votes in the history of the U.S. House of Representatives, not a single Republican voted in favor of Barack Obama's 1.1 trillion-dollar stimulus plan for the economy.

The Republicans are to be commended for standing together against economic tyranny and decrying the passing along of 2 trillion dollars' worth of debt to succeeding generations of American taxpayers.

America is already in debt by 1 trillion dollars. The Democrats in the House just voted to make that 2 trillion by voting in favor of spending money we don't have.

Yet this is supposed to 'bring America out of the recession?'

Suppose you were $100,000 bucks in debt. And suppose some smooth-talking snake oil salesman tried to sell you a bill of goods, promising that if only you double your amount of debt to $200,000 bucks you will get your financial house in order much quicker.

What would you say about such a plan?

To most people this is asinine. Yet this is precisely what the Democratic House of Representatives just did, at Barack Obama's bidding, and the Senate is getting ready to do the same thing.

When this flimsy deck of cards comes crashing down, and be assured it will, just remember who supported it and who condemned it. More importantly, remember who voted against this snake oil nostrum.


Anonymous said...

Sounds almost reasonable until one analyzes the situation. The Republicans and the 11 Democrats never in the 8 years prior tried to do their duty. Now that it is safe to voice opposition because they know it doesn't matter a whit as the foregone outcome is assured, they say the words that they hope will endear them to their constituencies, but spent 8 goddamned years betraying those constituents by their actions.

Which is the direct cause of the sad situation this country is in, and one which it may not survive.

You can bet your ass I'll remember them, but not favorably.

Welshman said...

Well, we have to remember that even in the previous Congress there were voices for liberty against all odds. One of my own Senators, Jim DeMint, was one of them.

I am sad to say that the other Senator, Lindsey Graham, is basically a John McCain RINO.