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Monday, November 03, 2008

Obama's Commie-Style Civilian Security Force

Barack Obama has stated repeatedly, though you would never hear it in the mainstream media, that he intends to begin a so-called 'Civilian Security Force' that would 'be just as powerful and just as well-funded as the military.'

Here is the video from part of an Obama speech on the subject.

Free societies based upon democratic principles have never had such civilian armies. The only regimes in the world that have implemented such measures are totalitarian ones, such as Cuba under Castro and Germany under Hitler, just to name two.

It is difficult to understand what, exactly, Obama would have this massive civilian police-state do unless it is to make sure his policies are implemented with minimal opposition from citizens.

When we look to other police states around the world, we gain some clues.

One can imagine neighbor spying on neighbor to make sure all of the peons in the citizenry 'cooperate' with the new Obama order. One can imagine gun confiscation.

In order to justify the huge expenditures that beginning such a mammoth program will entail, Obama would need a list of specific goals and objectives for this civilian police-state army.

Rest assured that with a civilian army the size Obama envisions, we can expect an avalanche of government intrusion into our daily lives. Big Brother will be watching every move. Citizen will be pitted against citizen. Former friends will become enemies...that is, unless we all get on board the Obama train to hell.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that what the 2nd Amendment is all about - national security?

After all, the militia must come from gun owners who are qualified with their weapons. Of course, if we would take our machine guns back, we would be well qualified to provide for national security.

But, that's not what Obama has in mind is it? He doesn't want private ownership of military grade weapons that are not under the direct control of the Federal Government - otherwise he would support the absolute right to keep and bear arms.

"Civilian security force" indeed. In name only.

Welshman said...

An excellent point, Mr. Davis.

As you correctly observe, we already have a civilian security force as encapsulated by the 2nd Amendment.

Armed citizens form that security force.

Clearly, this is not what Obama has in mind since he opposes the 2nd Amendment.

And I agree with you, the citizens need to take back their machine guns in order to provide a check on government power, which Obama wishes to greatly expand.