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Monday, November 10, 2008

From Kurt Hofmann: 'Holding the Line'

Kurt Hofmann of Armed and Safe posted an important piece of commentary yesterday from the 1911 forum that urges us not to give our opponents the impression that we are resigned to accept proposals in the coming years that attempt to place limits on our liberties.

A defeatist attitude will only embolden our opponents who are determined to infringe on 2nd Amendment rights in addition to 1st Amendment rights.

The commentary is entitled, 'Holding the Line,' and it contains vital information on what to do now that we are in the political wilderness.

I consider the information here to be vital reading for those who wish to be successful in turning the rhetoric to our advantage.

We will never give up. We will fight to the end to preserve liberty.


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Thanks for the link. The author of the original piece has another idea that I think I'll try to get off the ground, although there are a lot of details to work out at this point.

Welshman said...

You're welcome, Kurt. And I'll be waiting with great anticipation for that next segment.