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Friday, October 24, 2008


In a shock-jolt heard and felt around the world, Democratic leaders have defended Barack Obama's advocacy for infanticide by supporting his votes to withhold medical care from babies that survive botched abortion attempts.

While Obama and the Democrats claim the candidate voted against the bills in the Illinois legislature because, supposedly, 'the state already had such laws on the books,' other legislators insisted no such laws existed.

The usual suspects came to Obama's defense, such as senior Democratic leaders 'Little Chucky' Schumer and Howard Dean, who believe that there should be absolutely no reasonable limitations on the 'right' of parents to kill newborn infants.

While the Democratic leaders attempt to frame this issue in terms of abortion and Roe v. Wade, the bills in the Illinois legislature actually had nothing at all to do with the right to an abortion.

The single issue was a botched abortion procedure where the baby survived and was placed in a dark closet with no food or water to die.

THAT is infanticide, not abortion, and Obama voted on 4 separate occasions to support it.

No amount of verbal gymnastics on the part of Little Chucky or Howie can change that simple, stark fact.

No fact could make it any clearer that the Democratic Party leadership is totally out of touch with the basic human values that characterize the great citizens throughout the American heartland.

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