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Monday, September 01, 2008

What Is An 'Anti-American?'

An anonymous poster in the comments section of this blog took me to task over referring to former Democratic Presidential candidates George McGovern, Michael Dukakis, and John Kerry, and the present candidate Barack Obama, as anti-American.

I stand by the charge.

Thus, what is the definition of an 'anti-American?'

An anti-American is one whose political ideology is diametrically opposite of that which is embodied in the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution is our final authority in all matters of law and governance.

Thus, one cannot be for robbing citizens of their right to own, bear, and use firearms for defense and protection, and then claim to uphold the U.S. Constitution. The two are mutually exclusive.

One cannot promote measures that limit free speech, free exercise of religion, a free press, or the freedom to assemble, and claim to uphold the U.S. Constitution. The two are blatantly incongruent.

And it really doesn't matter how much time such persons may have spent in the military. Some have even gone to war. While that is admirable, such acts of service to one's country do not automatically make them pro-American if they turn around and trash the Constitution in their political beliefs.

This is why in the United States of America one can be a true patriot even if they never served in the official, government-sanctioned military. And serving in that military does not automatically make one a patriot.

It is all about beliefs, ideology, political philosophy.

And this is precisely why I will fight tooth and toenail against those who self-righteously claim to be 'patriots' who love their country but who nonetheless work to rob citizens of their Constitutional rights, condone the killing of unborn infants and even those who survive attempts to kill them (this is barbarism every bit as dangerous as the Nazis and Communists), and who in the name of religion seek to steal from ordinary citizens through taxation to pay for programs that government has no business implementing in a free society.

In short, I don't give a damn what your military service has been if your views are more in line with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, and Karl Marx than with Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Patrick Henry.

As the old saying goes, 'Just because a mouse gets into the cookie jar doesn't make him a cookie.'


Anonymous said...

Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security. Benjamin Franklin

must have been in his commie era

Anonymous said...

By your defined standard that makes a whole host of so-called conservatives and Libertarians, anti-American.

However, I won't disagree with you. When the likes of Lew Rockwell say the problems lie at the feet of the U.S. Constitution and not with the individulas who are subverting it, I tend to define that as anti-American. when the published writings of the likes of Pat Buchanan never seem to find fault with Putin's Russia or Hitler's Germany, and continously lay blame for the world's problems at America's feet, I would say that is anti-American.

The United States of America has its problems and we do need to get them straightened out and return to following the Constitution as written. But I really cannot fathom how that America is the source of evil in the world and that her "empire" ought to be destroyed.

I see a lot of so-called conservatives and Libertarians who refuse to lay the blame for our problems on the individuals responsible, and stedfastly condemn the American system, particularly the Constitution

Welshman said...

Anon: Franklin's 'commie years?' No no. I agree with Franklin 100%. Perhaps you should read my post a little more carefully.

Mr. Davis: Thank-you for a very thoughtful response...words to the wise, for sure!