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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 9/10/08

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

From Codrea's War on Guns:
*This is the MUST-read of the day! The MSM wants to use the force of government to weed out individual voices in the 'new media'--bloggers. Their scheme? Tax them out of existence!
*David has another MUST-read on Sarah Palin and voting one's conscience.
*This post highlights the hysterics in light of looming Congressional action to restore gun rights in the District of Columbia.
*'Breaking the Code'

Western Rifle Shooters Association posts a follow-up to yesterday's post on Sarah Palin. A personal note here: thinking people must vote their conscience. My conscience dictates a vote for Palin-McCain because I believe that Palin represents the future of conservatism and she is moving us toward more liberty. I know there are those who differ with my reasoning. But you must vote YOUR conscience, not mine.

Armed and Safe posts 'Not the Time or Place to Show Your Rights.'

JR links to an article from Xavier entitled, 'The Danger of Compliance.'

From Nicki at The Liberty Zone:
*The horrors of a government-run healthcare system are evident in this story about a woman in Great Britain who decided to take matters into her own hands to prolong her life.
*The Democrats have reached a new low in their attacks on Sarah Palin, which Nicki describes as 'beyond classless.'
*'Your Need is Not a Claim Check to My Earnings!'--priceless!

Alphecca gives us one more reason why Sarah Palin connects to the average American while the others who are running don't.

Gun Pundit comments on the absence of gay-bashing at the GOP convention. A good read!

Gun Nuts announces big changes for the radio show. Squeaks is leaving the program, and there is also a time-change beginning next Tuesday.

Squeaks posts her thoughts on leaving the Gun Nuts radio show and her pulling back on blogging. This is sad. She has always been a welcome addition to the blogosphere. I hope the hiatus won't last very long.

Sebastian has good reading entitled, 'Trickery Works.'

Uncle shows us a major slip up by Joe Biden as he was making an introduction of a man in a wheelchair. Wow, did he really say that?!

Breda has caught Barack Gun-Ban-O-Bama in a major misstep on the guns issue.

Dr. John Lott reports that Barack Obama has airdropped an army of lawyers and Democrat attack-dogs into Alaska to dig up anything that could be used to smear Sarah Palin.

Michelle Malkin reports that as Katie Couric and her ilk castigate Sarah Palin for not staying home to raise her kids, the liberal mainstream reporters flip the finger at the ignorant hayseeds of the general public who are oblivious to their own (the female reporters) neglect of their children and families. In short, it's ok for liberal Democrat women such as Couric to work and raise a family at the same time, but it's not ok for a conservative GOP woman like Palin to do so.

Walls of the City blogs today about 'Kalifornistan.' LOL! Give it a look!

The most ethical Congress ever? ROFL!!! Gateway Pundit reports that the little angel, Comisar Nancy Pelosi, refuses to remove mega-corrupt Charlie Rangle from his leadership post in the House.

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