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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 8/26/08

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

From Codrea's War on Guns:
*'A Credible Threat'--liberals and MSM types love to paint gun rights activists with broad brush strokes. This is an example, involving a threat against Barack Obama at the DNC.
*'Gun Rights on Trial'--a MUST-read.
*'What Ken Allows'--another great read.

Armed and Safe blogs about a great gun-rights organization started by Neal Knox--the Firearms Coalition.

Robb Allen is back from Blackwater and posts a pic of some man shooting some steel. Who IS that man?!

JR has posted Day 3 of the Blackwater event--pics and all.

Ahab says that he and Squeaks will be talking about ParaUSA and Blackwater tonight on Gun Nuts--The Next Generation. Tam may even be making a guest appearance.

Sebastian has a news story of a gun-owner and concealed carry permit holder stopping some thugs.

Breda has Part 2 and Part 3 of her Appleseed shooting event (Part 1 was posted yesterday on the Roundup).

From The Liberty Zone:
*Nicki has a very provocative piece on why she refuses to vote for either McCain or Obama.
*And then she has THIS thought-provoking post on gun rights and property rights, which is sure to create some debate.

Uncle posts several links to bloggers covering the Democratic National Convention.

Roberta X blogs about her boiling points. I can relate to most of them. A good read!

Alphecca says that Nevada has proposed a Castle Doctrine bill.

Blogstitution wants to know how many times the Democrats have to run on THIS platform.

21 Guns Salute lays it on the line about life in modern society. This is worth reading!

From Gateway Pundit:
*Michelle Malkin attacked at DNC riot in Denver!--the thugs shouted, 'Death to Malkin' the entire time.
*The Obama campaign threatened a local TV station for showing the McCain ad that shows the links between Obama and terrorist Bill Ayers.
*Michelle Obama quoted from radical socialist Saul Alinsky in her speech last night.

Western Rifle Shooters Association has the latest chapter of Vanderboegh's novella. This chapter is entitled, 'Reverberations and Synergies.'

Days of Our Trailers comments on the latest, escalating problem at our southern border.

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