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Thursday, August 14, 2008

LIAR! Putin Breaks 1-Day-Old Truce with Georgia

In less than 24-hours after agreeing to a cease-fire with the Georgian Republic which it had illegally invaded, the Russian Communists under the direction of Vladimir Putin broke the agreement by sending in the tanks and troops through a southern Georgian town, provoking violence.

Putin's actions are reminiscent of one Adolf Hitler, who, after signing a treaty with Chamberlain of Great Britain, promising to stop invading territory that wasn't his, proceeded to invade Poland before the ink had dried on the document.

Perhaps the words of CNN's Jack Cafferty in describing the Chi-Coms as 'the same old goons and thugs they've always been' also apply to Putin and the Kremlin.

A Commie is always a Commie. You can take him out of the old military uniforms worn by totalitarians of the past, dress him up in a nicely-tailored Western suit, have him smile and say nice things about 'human rights,' but in the end he is still a Commie who wants to take away your liberty.

And he certainly still wants to take over as much of the world as possible.

Putin and the Russian Commies are no different. Not only do they want Georgia, but if they are allowed to succeed in this blatant violation of a nation's sovereignty, they will want the Ukraine and Poland as well.

The liars need to nipped in the bud before the menace gets too big to manage.

1 comment:

Jay21 said...

"Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed."
I. F. Stone
That being said, I personally don't have as much of a problem with Russia’s actions as some by our own government. I believe that their actions should be watched, and be known by them that we are watching. But our interference in other affairs causes us to loose some teeth when it is time to bite. Secession should be the right of all communities; sadly we do not have that "privilege" here even.