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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Graham's 'Gang of 10' In Senate Raises GOP Ire

A storm of controversy swirls around U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, R-SC, and his so-called 'Gang of 10' in the Senate that has put forth a 'compromise' plan on energy to appease anti-drilling Democrats.

It turns out that the 'compromise' plan is nothing more than putting a Republican stamp of approval on the Democrats' anti-drilling stance.

The plan in actuality does nothing to get this nation drilling for its own oil as a means of weaning ourselves off of foreign oil. According to the terms of the plan, only 4 states will be allowed to determine if they want offshore drilling in their area, and even then it has to get by tons of restrictions and regulations, including approval by Leftwing enviro-wacko groups.

So disgusted are the Republicans in the House with the Graham plan that he is now viewed with great suspicion within his own Party. If his plan passes in the Senate, Graham may be responsible for the demise of the highly successful GOP floor revolt in the House, which has called attention to Democratic inaction on drilling for oil here at home.

Conservative talk radio on Monday was ablaze with Graham-bashing, and rightly so. RUSH LIMBAUGH blasted the Gang of 10's 5 Republican turncoats--Graham, Corker, Thune, Chambliss, and Isakson. So vehement was Limbaugh's condemnation of the Senators' terribly misguided actions that Senator Saxby Chambliss--one of the Gang--called into the program.

At issue is the net effect of the plan of the Gang of 10. First, it totally obliterates an issue that is working in the Republicans' favor--doing something NOW about oil and other resources HERE AT HOME. The Democrats are highly vulnerable on this issue due to their being held hostage by enviro-wackos who contribute heavily to their campaigns.

The enviro-wackos want no drilling for oil here at home at all.

But Graham's Gang would have the effect of taking the Democrats off the hook, making it possible for them to escape responsibility for their inaction.

Second, the Gang's plan lays a gift into the lap of Barack Obama, whose plan is similar to the Gang's, and essentially slaps John McCain in the face.

McCain has stated he supports the House GOP plan to drill here, drill now in addition to developing alternative fuels.

What kind of numbskulled, asinine knuckleheads would fly in the face of the stated goals of their own Party's Presidential nominee, who obviously had seized upon an issue that resonates with the public?

Are Graham, Chambliss, Corker, and company trying to get McCain defeated?

According to The Hill, McCain has held off on supporting the Gang of 10's energy plan for the precise reason that it would complicate his campaign. And, since the Senator has already expressed support for the House GOP energy plan, it would be a stupid move to shift support to the Republican turncoats in the Gang of 10.

The House GOP energy proposal is an 'all-of-the-above' approach to the nation's energy needs. This is what McCain has indicated he supports. The Gang of 10's plan is more of the same old 'oil is evil' that we have come to expect from Democrat-Leftwing-environmental extremists.

Evil or not, we need it. This is the real world and not some future utopia where transportation can be fueled by honey that flows from the Big Rock Candy Mountains.

Graham and his GOP wussies in the Gang of 10 need to realize they don't need to compromise with liberal Democrat numbskulls. The American people overwhelmingly support drill here, drill now. And if they can't stand up to the Democrats on THIS issue, then perhaps they shouldn't be in the Senate at all.

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