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Friday, August 08, 2008

Edwards May Be Snubbed at DNC Over Scandal

A major North Carolina newspaper is reporting that former Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards may be snubbed at the Democratic National Convention over the sex scandal that allegedly involves a mistress and a 'love child.'

The Raleigh News & Observer quotes several top Democratic Party operatives as saying that Edwards will lose his chance to address the Convention--an honor normally given to all previous Presidential candidates--unless he publicly answers the allegations made by the National Enquirer.

So far Edwards has neither directly confirmed nor denied the allegations. His only public comment about the matter is stating that the story is 'tabloid trash.'

But that does nothing to address the truth or falsehood of the allegations.

In fact, Edwards has had several opportunities to answer questions posed by members of the mainstream media in North Carolina concerning the scandal, but each time he has sidestepped the issue.

Democratic Party officials state that with each passing day that the issue remains unresolved, Edwards' value as a speaker at the DNC declines.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With each day that passes, it seems more and more likely to be true. If Edwards can't come out and publically deny this, then he ought not to be speaking at the Democratic National Convention.