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Monday, July 14, 2008

Senator Schumer Creates Panic, Run on Banks

The U.S. Federal Reserve has accused 'Little Chucky' Schumer, D-NY, of creating a panic and a run on banks which led to the failure of California's IndyMac, which the Feds took over on Friday to prevent a collapse.

Little Chucky just seems to keep opening his big mouth, creating mayhem each time he opines on a variety of issues, just like always.

Some things never change.

The New York Democrat, now one of the most powerful figures in the Senate, has been very publicly calling attention to IndyMac's potential problems--a scare tactic which the Feds say led to panic and one that can potentially contribute to 150 more bank failures.

The Feds have warned Little Chucky to stop, but to no avail.

As one of the Senate's most liberal Democrats, Schumer is not about to cease contributing to the woes of Americans prior to the November elections. Bad economic news and hard times for citizens is good news for Democrats who wish to pick up more seats in Congress and win the White House.

And as we have seen in numerous occasions in the past, they will stop at nothing to create the most negative circumstances possible just to win elections, such as actively and publicly promoting the idea that America had 'lost' the war in Iraq, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid claimed even before the troop surge had a chance to work.

As a faithful foot-soldier for the Leftwing wackos, we can count on Little Chucky to do his part to create any negative consequence that could potentially help his Party in November...even to the point of creating a run on banks.

In a related note, the Feds also announced on Sunday that it will bolster the financial standing of its two major mortgage guarantee corporations, FreddieMac and FannieMae.

Stock shares for the two giant mortgage corporations have begun to plunge in recent days, leading to concern on the part of the Feds. The plan is for the Feds to implement a strategy to provide a backstop for the two corporations and stop their plunging stock prices.

It should be noted that today's problems in the U.S. Housing Industry are a result of two terms of the Bill Clinton Administration, which pushed a policy of 'everyone gets qualified' when it comes to obtaining mortgages, whether they could afford it or not.

Thus, FreddieMac and FannieMae were overloaded with home mortgages that could not be sustained by home buyers. Eventually such a strategy was bound to crash as persons of minimal financial resources simply stopped paying their mortgages, leading to widespread foreclosures.

This does NOT mean that America's home market is in deep trouble but that it is correcting itself to a more prudent policy of lending money only to those capable of paying it back.

The home market is actually in very good shape. There has never been a better time to buy with interest rates still low and prices at a 15-year low.

There is absolutely no danger in getting a mortgage if one's financial resources allow a reasonable monthly payment.

The only danger to the market are mouth-off demagogues like Little Chucky Schumer who would ruin America's home and mortgage industry for political gain.


Anonymous said...

New York Times reported that hedge fund managers have a new champion in their effort to keep legally dodging the taxes the rest of us pay: none other than New York Senator Charles Schumer. Now you know who is Schumer's friend and why he caused the bank run on Indymac. He truly support hedge fund and private equity because they truly support him.

"Large Investor decided to pay a few bucks to a Senator in New York to force the issue."(Prospect Mortgage Backed By Sterling Fund--Private Equity Acquired The Mortgage Branches from Indymac before FDIC takeover)

"And do remember that there are many investment bankers located in New York, making them pretty influential constituents of Sen. Schumer."

"In a Sunday news conference, he said everything in his letter was already known to the public."
If it was already known to the public, what is the reason for his public letter? It is contradict to what he said previouly :"I just bring private message to the public. Do not kill the messanger." What a great liar from time to time!

Welshman said...

I am not a bit surprised. This has been Little Chucky's M.O. all along.