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Monday, June 16, 2008

Pin On, Pin Off, Pin On...

It reminds me of the scene from the movie The Karate Kid--'wax on, wax off, wax on, wax off.' Barack Obama can't seem to make up his mind about whether or not he wants to wear a pin of the American Flag on his lapel.

The last time I saw him he was commenting on the death of NBC newsman Tim Russert. Obama was wearing the flag pin on his lapel that day, after having made such a big deal a few months back about taking if off.

One remembers Obama 'waxing' eloquent (no pun intended) as he defended his decision to remove the pin because 'wearing a lapel pin of the flag doesn't make one patriotic.'

But now, apparently, the decision has been made, for one reason or another, to put the pin back on.

If the candidate is attempting to squelch the perception that he is unpatriotic by putting the flag pin back on, it is too late. The damage has already been done.

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