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Monday, May 26, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 5/26/08

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Tam has a poignant reminder on this Memorial Day:

And as a war veteran, Nicki has these important observations:

This is the MUST-read of the day, and although it is lengthy, it is well worth the time. It is called 'Premonition--We're About to Have Our Fuse Lit,' and David Codrea has the link:

Robb Allen takes to task one of the anti-gun bigots who says that 'there are enough guns out there':

Uncle has the quote of the day on the Second Amendment:

Uncle also reports that a college in Texas violated students' Constitutional rights by refusing to allow them to wear empty holsters on campus to protest gun bans:

David Hardy has breaking news that there is a major shakeup happening at the ATF as the Inspector General conducts an investigation into abuse and corruption:

Mike McCarville has an interesting run-down of the the manner in which the various news organizations treated the Hillary gaffe concerning Bobby Kennedy's assassination in June of 1967:

Alphecca points to a succinct, well-stated op-ed on the Second Amendment...a good read:

Blogstitution has an article written by Senator Joe Lieberman on what the Democratic Party once was, but is no more:

Blonde Sagacity says we are judged by the company we keep, and look who Obama has associations with now!:

The Ninth Stage has a thought-provoking quotation from Benjamin Disraeli:

The lovely Pamela Geller over at Atlas Shrugs documents at least 50 lies told by Barack Obama:

Gateway Pundit has the latest on James Earl Carter--the worst President in U.S. history. Take a look at the latest insanity frothing from the mouth of the ex-President:

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