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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 4/8/08

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

As previously reported, one of Barack Obama's mentors is the infamous Snuffy Pfleger, the notorious gun-grabbing Catholic priest. Sebastian has more on this story that is of growing interest to the gun rights community:

And it seems that the Snuffy-Obama connection has also caught the attention of the Volokh Conspiracy:

Bitter reports that the NRA Convention is headed to Phoenix in 2009:

Traction Control blogs on .75 caliber technology:

Breda thinks she may have found a small automatic pistol to her liking:

Uncle says to get over it already! We have some allies in the government. In fact, The Liberty Sphere was paid a visit today by someone in the U.S. Government. But I have never been investigated nor have I been a target. Read Uncle's words of wisdom:

Nicki comments on the growing smoking bans around and about, and yes, it is an issue of personal liberty. But this post is written only as Nicki can:

Who says there is no slippery slope? Alphecca writes about a handgun ban petition in Canada:

Michelle Malkin has the complete, infuriating blow by blow of Petraeus' appearance on Capitol Hill. Democrats came out swinging, heckling the General, even as they made sure hecklers were given access to the hearing room to stage yet another stupid 'protest':

John Lott reports that the Brady Bunch has been stopped by Virginia Tech. Good for them!:

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