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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 3/18/08

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Gun Law News has the MUST-read of the day. The term 'non partisanship' concerning gun rights is a farce. Democrats have made it a partisan issue by supporting leaders in the Congress who are doing all in their power to remove our Constitutional right to firearms. And this goes for the so-called 'blue dogs' as well. If the blue dogs mean it, then let them show it by showing the liberals to the door:

There are quite a few posts on D.C. vs. Heller, which is being heard today by the SCOTUS. We begin with Mike McCarville's report on the day:

Alphecca points to a very blunt article on D.C. vs. Heller:

Sebastian has some info from Cam Edwards on D.C. vs. Heller:

Eugene Volokh says that there will be plenty of coverage on the 2nd Amendment today on SCOTUSBLOG:

JR has a link to the original sources for the Second Amendment, in preparation for today's big hearing at the U.S. Supreme Court:

And now to Barack Obama and the story that won't go away and WILL NOT go away, no matter what he says today in the speech he is giving on race. From this point forward anything Obama says to distance himself from the Reverend Jeremiah Wright will be utterly disingenuous. Mike McCarville reports the latest:

And to make matters worse for the Obama campaign, Born Again Redneck reports that only 8% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Barack's close friend, Pastor, and spiritual advisor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, purveyor of hate extraordinaire:

John Lott indicates that the Obama campaign is in deep trouble over the Rev. Wright issue, and it just keeps getting deeper and deeper....note the new info that has surfaced:

Are you sitting down? Have some Valium or Scotch whiskey nearby? You will need it once you read this. John Lott reports that an anti-homeschool California judge has issued a 'decree' describing the purpose of education. Just wait till you read what the Commie said:

Dr. Lott also observes that the present mess in the financial markets was created by bumbling government intervention:

Squeaky has an excellent explanation as to why she supports the right to carry guns on college campuses:

Che Guevara is a cult hero among the Leftwing in politics and on college campuses. Barack Obama's campaign has pictures of him hanging in campaign offices all across the country. But the Bastard was a killing machine for Fidel Castro. All American Blogger comments:

Robb Allen has an excellent piece on 'who will watch the watchmen?:

It's been a while since we visited the subject of eminent domain. FreedomSight comments about the latest abuses:

Dustin blogs on why the gun IS civilization:

Roberta X and Tam visited the Indy 1500 gun show in Indianapolis over the weekend. Read all about it here:

1 comment:

Christian Prophet said...

It's not about the acceptance of race or religion. Barack Obama is done if a spotlight is put on his THEOLOGY. See: