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Monday, January 07, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 1/7/08

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Michelle Malkin is reporting that GOP Presidential hopeful Duncan Hunter will be making a major announcement today at 2 PM concerning his campaign. If he drops out of the race, the question will be, who will he endorse? My hunch is it will be Fred Thompson, but I could be wrong:

As we reported yesterday, Obama has opened a double-digit lead over Clinton in New Hampshire. Mike McCarville wonders if Hillary's campaign has lost its focus:

Alphecca has a 'right on the money' cartoon editorial on the New Hampshire primary:

Alphecca also has some ominous gun control news out of Cook County, Illinois:

Armed and Safe has GREAT news! The Bloomberg Coalition to Rob Citizens of Their Rights can't get anyone to notice them anymore:

Blogonomicon has an interesting vintage gun ad from the year 1958:

Born Again Redneck has the MUST-read of the day on Mike Huckabee's mess he has created for the GOP:

Cap'n Bob and the Damsel blog on good food and good weapons, with a picture to boot:

D.C. filed its brief on time Friday in the Heller case before the Supreme Court. Of Arms and the Law has a .pdf on the thing if you are interested in reading the entire brief:

Tam provides good reading today on politics:

Sebastian has important information on the NRA and ATF reform:

As everyone knows by now, The Liberty Sphere has endorsed Fred Thompson for President. This in NO way means we do not like Ron Paul or some of the other candidates. Ron Paul's exclusion from the N.H. debate was idiotic. The War on Guns has more:

Nicki says that there are wet panties and soiled shorts in Boston. Here is the reason:

John Lott reports on how that numbskull Bloomberg may use his billions to get around campaign finance reform should he launch his idiotic bid for the White House as an independent:

Here's proof that a young fool only becomes an old fool. Former Democratic Presidential nominee (from 1972) George McGovern just keeps running his mouth and proving the point. The Volokh Conspiracy has the story:

The Buckeye Firearms Association posts excellent reading today on how the government is gradually making all of us criminals:

L. Neil Smith has part two of his series at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership:

From the NRA: Fighting for Self-Defense Rights in Georgia:

Traction Control blogs on 'shiny bores and well-oiled actions':

Breda posts her most recent shooting range report:

Robb Allen notes the results of Michigan's increase in gun permits:

Oscar Poppa posts an article on the growing Police State in this country:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention! The Liberty Sphere is a daily read for Traction Control!

Welshman said...

Thank-you very much, Citizen. I appreciate loyal readers. Keep up the good work at Traction Control.