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Monday, December 03, 2007

Second Amendment News Roundup for 12/3/07

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Alphecca gives us an update on one of the sorriest excuses for a judge in the U.S.--the anti-gun Jack Weinstein:

Alphecca also says that the Boston Globe is doing cartwheels over the D.C. gun case going to the Supreme Court. It seems they can't image the Court ruling that the 2nd Amendment protects individual rights:

The polls, they keep a-changin'. Mike McCarville reports that Huckabee and Edwards are early favorites in Oklahoma, although we read another poll showing Thompson ahead. This may well go right down to the wire, even the Convention:

A Keyboard and a .45 tells us about his day at the shooting range yesterday:

Armed and Safe blogs that the antis love to point to some elusive 'well-funded gun lobby' to explain our successes. Appropriate commentary follows on the claim:

Nicki at The Liberty Zone systematically takes apart the drivel from Laura Washington on the GOP supposedly 'pandering to the people of the gun':

Blogonomicon writes about 'gun stuff for Christmas':

Born Again Redneck provides commentary on potential support for GOP candidates in the Presidential election:

Cameron Bailey give us a run-down on what happened at the Washington State Legislature last week:

Cap'n Bob and the Damsel have some wonderful solar images which show the fluctuations and changes in solar energy over time and how this contributes to temperature change on Earth:

Syd has the must-read of the day, entitled, 'Have Gun, Will Carry':

Wanna see 'the Harvard Crimson' get reamed alive? Of Arms and the Law has a link to an author who tells it like it is concerning Harvard's anti-Bill-of-Rights bias:

Pribek comments on the Commie-thug (Hugo Chavez) and the fact that his constitutional initiatives were defeated by the citizens:

Red's Trading Post presents 'The Ghost of Thomas Jefferson's' comments on the D.C. vs. Heller case:

Say Uncle says that due to the Plain Dealer's decision to publish the names of concealed permit holders, journalists can no longer copy or duplicate that information:

Snow Flakes in Hell comments on background checks for gun purchases:

Squeaky tells us she is adding 'the Big Mo' to her tag line for a while:

The Bitch Girls report that in Michigan permit applications from women are way up:

The War on Guns has some well-chosen words for some numbskulls who believe the 2nd Amendment should be repealed:

Hat Tip to Traction Control for pointing us to this great blog written by a Texas beauty whose hero is Ronald Reagan. I think I am in love. In this post she writes about Michelle Malkin's tenacity:

Tam has the quote of the day:

From the NRA: commentary on the Boston Gun Search policy:

The Volokh Conspiracy has a pod-cast on gun issues:


Joubert said...

I just did another post why I can't stand Huckabee.

Welshman said...

yeah, I'm not one of his biggest fans either...