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Friday, November 02, 2007

Little Chucky Schumer Proclaims End of Reagan Era

One of the most extremist Leftwing nutcases in the U.S. Senate, Little Chucky Schumer, D-NY, has proclaimed the 'end of the Reagan era.'

Little Chucky was beside himself with glee as he looked forward to the Democrats' prospects for claiming the White House and adding to their majority in Congress.

Stating that the values that drove the Reagan era no longer resonate with most Americans, Little Chucky was certain that his Party would sweep into the White House in 2008 and build a veto-proof majority in the Congress.

This would mean that Hillary or Obama or whoever would have a complete free pass from the Congress to do whatever they wanted to do...a nightmarish prospect for those who value liberty.

Here is a message for Little Chucky: if you think that the concepts of Reagan do not resonate with the majority of Americans anymore, then that means the ideas of liberty as espoused by Jefferson, Franklin, Henry, Washington, Madison, Mason, and Hamilton no longer resonate with them as well. Hell, the Constitution itself must not 'resonate' with the majority of Americans.

If this is the case, Little Chucky, which I highly doubt, then this means we have lost the country and the neo-Commies like yourself are succeeding in running the country into the ground. Nevermind that you have basically bought off their support with your giveaway programs and entitlements, even to illegal aliens.

After all, the ends justify the means, don't they, Little Chucky. If the end result of all of this is a Brave New World where government has ultimate power and where the individual has none, then I suppose all of your programs designed to buy votes are worth it, in your convoluted little mind.

Believe me, Little Chucky, if what you are saying is true, and the worst-case scenario happens in 2008, you are going to be confronted with the worst uprising of average citizens in the heartland that this nation has seen since the American Revolution.

We are not going to sit idly by and let your forces of anti-freedom run rough-shod over all of the liberties for which our forefathers fought and died, and which patriots such as Ronald Reagan so eloquently articulated.

For your information, Little Chucky, there are millions of us out here who will NEVER allow the Reagan era to end, and more and more are being added to our ranks each day. So, you can take your pantie-waist predictions and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.

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