Images courtesy of A Human Right.
Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:
Snow Flakes in Hell has this to say about changing minds, via Say Uncle:
Say Uncle provides a link to some pics from the Gun Bloggers Rendezvous in Reno last week:
Alphecca notes that the Boston Globe is trying to spin Obama's record in such a way as to make it appear that he supports gun rights:
Armed and Safe blogs on a liberal's support for gun rights:
Pamela Geller over at Atlas Shrugs comments on the news, reported today, that there is an Al Qaeda sleeper cell in New Jersey with contacts to every known terrorist organization in the world:
Pamela also has the news that a member of Al Qaeda, living in Charlotte, North Carolina, is blogging and sending out terrorist videos:
Blogonomicon reports that he has 'joined the Tribe':
As residents of California, Cap'n Bob and the Damsel comment on that damned RINO's signing of two anti-gun bills:
Speaking of that damned California RINO, The Bitch Girls provide good info and commentary on a group that's going after Arnold due to his sell-out to the forces of anti-freedom:
The War on Guns has this on criminalizing theft victims:
Tam at View from the Porch says it like I like it! You gotta read, Why Mommy is a Fricking Bedwetting Socialist:
Tam also says that freakin' Commie dictator down in Venezuela has implemented policies that remind one of some American politicians:
Oscar Poppa has the MUST-read of the day on a variety of subjects, and you won't be disappointed. Be sure to read ALL of it:
Nicki at The Liberty Zone has an interesting read on a disturbing incident in Oregon:
The McCarville Report has the story of an Oklahoma father who plans to arm himself:
McCarville also reports this on Senator Tom Coburn's hold up of the gun bill in the U.S. Senate:
John Lott has THIS disturbing piece on people's actual experiences with intrusive pediatricians who act as if they are government agents seeking info on citizens, particularly with regard to guns:
John Lott also reports that Hillary engaged in illegal activity by listening in on unlawful tapes of phone conversations (there's that gurgling, dripping ooze of sleaze I hear again):
In addition, John Lott points to some video clips on the defensive use of firearms:
The Volokh Conspiracy has an example from history, the year 1915 to be exact, that shows the dangers of gun confiscation:
The Buckeye Firearms Association reports that the Second Amendment Foundation has recognized Ron Paul for his achievements in support of the 2nd Amendment:
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