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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Second Amendment News Roundup (LATE EDITION)

News is reported on the blogosphere as it happens, and thus, often the roundup of Second Amendment news is already old by the time I post it the next day.

Thus, I am going to try an experiment...a late edition of the Second Amendment News Roundup. Instead of posting the Roundup late at night to be published first thing the following day, I am going to try to post it in the late afternoon the day of.

This way the news will be current and not 'yesterday's news.'

Thus, here is the late edition of the Second Amendment News Roundup for 8/22/07:

Alphecca reports that the latest Zogby poll shows that Americans overwhelmingly reject more gun control:

Cap'n Bob says he finally got his new Glock 26 after the punitive 10-day-waiting-period in California:

Gun Law News has an interesting quote of the day:

Dr. John Lott asks a vital question: will the shooting in the Missouri Church get churches to reconsider the concealed handgun ban?"

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership writes about the gun control glutton on Capitol Hill:

Ryan Horsley of Red's Trading Post will be speaking on ATF abuses at the Regulatory Fairness Forum in Boise, Idaho. Ryan says that now is the time to speak up about the widespread abuses perpetrated by the BATFE:

Say Uncle blogs about the growing problem of government surveillance of ordinary citizens in this country:

Snow Flakes in Hell makes an important point about continuing the fight in spite of the fact that gun rights groups are winning the hearts and minds of the American public:

Mike McCarville reports that one of the biggest allies of gun rights in the country today, U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK), has endorsed Fred Thompson for President:

The War on Guns points to a strange double-standard exhibited by the government:

The Volokh Conspiracy examines a vital issue to those of us who blog--are blogs less worthy of various protections than magazines?:

Xavier Thoughts has some information on Smith and Wesson revolver collecting:

Legal Bitch, the new blogger over at The Bitch Girls, is a woman after my own heart. She posts this wonderful item on 'food fascists':

Traction Control welcomes a brand new blogger to the blogosphere:

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