Images and graphics courtesy of A Human Right.
Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:
David Codrea at The War on Guns has a contest going with a prize to be given to the winner on this National Exercise Your Rights day:
Traction Control has more on the 'buy-some-ammo' day:
A Keyboard and a .45 has news on a brand new gun store called 'Second Amendment Family GunShop.' Hope they sold plenty of ammo today:
Alphecca has the scoop on Jessie Jackson's whereabouts and antics on this national gun protest day he started, which led to the counter-protest called 'National Exercise Your Rights Day':
Blogonomicon shares with us what he bought today to participate in the 'buy some ammo' day:
Cap'n Bob and the Damsel post a great piece entitled, 'Four Truths About Gun Laws':
Random Ramblings of a Republitarian has some good news and shares with us his shopping list for ammo day today:
Say Uncle has this on 'protesting the protest':
Say Uncle also blogs today on one of my favorite subjects--chicks and guns. A group of hot chicks went to the firing range for the first time, pics included:
Keep and Bear Arms has these important news items and editorials for today:
Cameron Bailey has this MUST-read today, entitled, 'Yahoo, Microsoft, Google, totalitarians all':
Of Arms and the Law has the latest comment by Jessie Jackson on the the ATF. He says it is 'underfunded.' What a complete jerk:
Snow Flakes in Hell points to yet another hypocrite who has turned up among the anti-gun bigots:
Nicki at The Liberty Zone has written a letter to Chicago Sun-Times columnist Laura Washington to complain about her anti-gun views:
Xavier Thoughts has info on a registered Magnum at auction:
The Volokh Conspiracy points to a profile of the man who will become the Acting Attorney-General once Gonzalez exits:
The Bitch Girls raise the question as to whether or not racial preferences have had the effect of reducing the number of black lawyers:
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