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Friday, June 15, 2007

Second Amendment News Roundup for 6/15/07

Washington, DC (TLS). Here is today's Second Amendment news roundup:

The Volokh Conspiracy corrects a misquote in the media that misled many gun-owners:

The GOA blasts Congress, Carolyn McCarthy, John Dingell, and the NRA on the gun-grab:

Armed and Safe blogs on a two-minute anti-gun rant by Congressman Moran on the McCarthy-Dingell-NRA gun grab:

Alphecca reports that a 'Stand-Your-Ground' bill has been introduced in Ohio, similar to the one recently passed in Texas that expands 'Castle Doctrine' principles, which allow citizens to use deadly force to defend themselves in an attack:

Here's more on the Castle Doctrine push in Ohio from Ohioans for Concealed Carry:

Front Sight, Press has a video of Dr. Suzanne Hupp describing the absurdity of gun-free-zones:

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