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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

GOA ALERT--McCarthy Gun-Grab Moves to Senate

Washington, DC (TLS). The U.S. House of Representatives rammed through the McCarthy-Dingell-NRA gun control bill without even as much as a recorded vote. Republicans were caught off-guard, having not been notified of the impending vote.

Thus, the bill moves to the Senate, where gun-grabbers such as Ted Kennedy, 'Little Chucky' Schumer, John McCain, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Harry Reid will do everything in their power to pass the measure. If successful, President Bush is expected to sign the bill into law.

Apparently the gun-grabbers successfully used the Cho Seung-Hui massacre at Virginia Tech to seize the PR and make a case for more gun control. Our side failed to short-circuit that process by aggressively showing the public that this mass-murder happened in a GUN-FREE ZONE.

In attempting to go after insane persons, preventing them from obtaining firearms, the powers that be in Washington would like to kill all the babies in order to prevent one sick baby from spreading germs. The bill as it stands also includes U.S. Veterans who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Additionally, if you have ever been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ADD, or any number of other treatable emotional disorders, you will be prevented from purchasing a firearm. If you have ever had domestic difficulty involving the police, you will be prevented from purchasing a firearm. If you have ever used corporal punishment to discipline your children, you will be prevented from purchasing a firearm.

But that's not all. Your name will entered into a national database, indicating that you are NUTS, mentally defective, 'mentally ill,' and therefore unfit to own a gun.

So you see, in order to prevent a few truly insane persons from buying guns, our illustrious elected representatives in Washington are lumping LOTS of people into that category, for no other good reason than to take guns away from them!

And THAT is why this bill is NOT about Cho Seung-Hui and the Virginia Tech massacre! This is about gun control, pure and simple. And as I said last week, go ahead and drop 'em, bend over, and grab 'em, for we are about to be screwed in the you-know-what by Congress, the NRA, and President Bush.

Here is the GOA's alert and a plan of action:

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