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Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Washington, DC (TLS). In a decision that clearly signals the fact that Roe v. Wade is not a license for wide-open abortion-on-demand, the Supreme Court today issued a ruling that denotes a clear victory for pro-life forces around the country.

The barbaric and gruesome procedure known as 'partial birth abortion' has been banned.

This late-term procedure is used as a means of killing an infant by partial delivery. The abortion doctor delivers the infant's head only, leaving the rest of the body inside the mother. At this point a hole is drilled into the head of the infant, whereupon the brain is sucked out of the skull using a suction devise. Then, the rest of the baby is delivered dead.

Abortion foes have long insisted that this procedure is indicative of a culture of barbarism at its worst--an example of how inhuman the abortion industry can be.

And they were right.

Today, the Supreme Court agreed.

Pro-life forces hailed the decision today as a victory for humanity, for the unborn, and for basic human dignity. Republican Presidential candidates in one accord also hailed the decision, including Giuliani, McCain, and Romney.

Barack Hussein Obama, however, stated, 'I strongly disagree with the decision.'

This is not surprising. The Illinois Democrat and Presidential candidate has consistently voted for abortion on demand throughout his political career, including support for this most barbaric of procedures known as partial birth abortion.

While the other Democratic candidates have not yet opined on the decision, you can be assured that they too will express their displeasure. There is not a single pro-life candidate on the Democratic side.

Hillary in particular will be most displeased. During her husband's tenure in the White House, the Clintons vigorously opposed measures introduced by Republicans during the 90s to stop the practice of partial birth abortions.

As for today's ruling, those of us who value innocent human life can chalk one up for the precious unborn. The Supreme Court can be congratulated for introducing just a bit of sanity into the horrendous state of the nation's abortion industry.

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