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Saturday, April 21, 2007

'I Found Saddam's WMD Bunkers'--Air Force Officer

Washington, DC (TLS). Melanie Phillips, British journalist-extraordinaire, has published explosive information about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction program. Phillips, who hardly accepts the word of dubious news sources, states that this particular source is entirely trustworthy and above reproach.

He is U.S. Air Force Special Investigations officer Dave Gaubatz, who states that he personally discovered and investigated the various bunkers where Saddam kept his stash of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. Gaubatz maintains that through a major faux pas on the part of the U.S. military, this stash inadvertently wound up in the hands of the Iranians who are now using it to develop their own arsenal to use against the United States.

This, according to Gaubatz, is the reason why the U.S. government is mum concerning the discovery of the WMD bunkers.

Read Phillips' explosive story here, a story you will likely not read or hear anywhere else:

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