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Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Gingrich-Kerry Climate Debate, April 10

Washington, DC (TLS). A real treat is in store of those living in the Beltway area on April 10, at 10 AM. Newt Gingrich and John Kerry will square off in a debate concerning climate change and the impact of humanity on the process.

This is an event you will not want to miss.

The debate is being sponsored by New York University’s John Brademas Center for the Study of Congress and will take place next Tuesday, April 10, at 10 a.m. in the Russell Senate Office Building.

I have never made any attempt to hide my disgust with John Kerry. However, any public event featuring Newt Gingrich is an opportunity to see one of the most astute political minds at work, not to mention his immense skills in public speaking, fielding questions, and handling himself in a debate.

Read the details of the event here:


Anonymous said...

Believe it or not I watched the biggest part of the NewtG/John K debate today and was impressed with both speakers and there civility. I wish that the reg. congress and senate would take some lessons. I am not totally on board with Global Warming, esp here in NY where it has been colder than a witches tit in a brass brazier for April 07 ! I do believe we need to be more careful of our environment but not the Oh My God we are all going to die tomorrow if we don't act now. I really liked Newt's ideas with letting the Market place rather than the Government make changes and they are already working at it. Rewards for innovative real ways to reduce pollution is a great idea and will get some of our brightest men and women working harder at coming up with something. We must go into this with great care so that we do not bankrupt our country and all of us living here. Frankly I do not trust the U.N. for anything so we should do this on our own or outside of the U.N. The Kyoto agreement (sorry if I spelled that wrong) is nothing we need to sign onto, it really treated the U.S. unfairly. i also feel that Al Gores movie was a farse and many things were made out to be not what they really are in it. Plus I think if you are going to talk the talk you need to walk the walk and he is not doing so. He builds a mansion, uses tons of Electric, but that is okay because he buys carbon credits from a company he helped found and sits on the board so he is putting money in his own portfolio and buying some trees and whatever else to plant in places frankly I never heard of. We should be investing in our own country where we are making the pollution. When ever money gets sent to these little countries it seems to be mismanaged and the problems continue to exist, like aids. Of course this is just my opinion but I have taken it upon myself to write my own congress and senators and all of them (which took a lot of time) and told them my opinion and that they need to take a deep breath before they add more government and more taxes and more pain for all Americans and Educate people on what little things we can each do at home to do our part while we put pressure on business's to do there part. The market place works.

Thanks for reading my post.

Welshman said...

You're welcome, Wags. Sounds like a reasonable approach to me.
