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Saturday, February 17, 2007

George Soros Exposed: Hillary's Power Behind the Throne

Washington, DC (TLS). The Liberty Sphere has previously reported on the ominous maneuvering of billionaire and Democrat operative George Soros and his 'shadow party' that works behind the scenes to manipulate a victory for Hillary Clinton in 2008.

As we reported, Soros is the biggest single-source contributor to the Democrat Party and the 527s that fund them, having spent over 100 million dollars of his own money. He has been a close confidante of Hillary Clinton for years and has a vested interest in getting her elected President. If he succeeds in accomplishing his goal, he can then use her to unleash a massive, ominous attack on the core values of American society and its Constitution--a document that Soros has never failed to trash. By destroying the foundation that undergirds American liberty, he and his gang of thugs, including Hillary, can rebuild America from the ground up into a massive European-styled Socialist nation.

Thus, the freedom of the individual will forever be subservient to the 'common good.' The 'common good' is always the excuse given by Commies and Socialists to rob citizens of their individual rights.

Back in 2004, the Wall Street Journal ran a detailed expose of George Soros. The Liberty Sphere has uncovered that article from the archives. You can read the entire report by clicking on the link below. This is a MUST-read!

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