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Monday, February 12, 2007

Ellen Goodman is an Idiot

Washington, DC (TLS). If there ever were any doubt that Leftist columnist Ellen Goodman is about three cards shy of a full deck, her latest op-ed in the Boston Globe definitively removes that doubt. Completely swallowing the 'man-is-to-blame-for-global-warming' balderdash perpetrated by collectivists who wish to use climate change as an excuse for implementing socialistic restrictions on human freedom and free enterprise, Goodman stated that those who doubt that mankind is to blame for global warming are modern-day 'Holocaust deniers.'

There was a time in the past when Goodman could be respected as an able and capable foe. Articulate and bright, she was a formidable force within the ranks of Liberals, leading their charge in the op-ed pages of many of the nation's top newspapers. With this single remark, however, Goodman has immediately lost her credibility. By comparing modern scientists who doubt the Leftist spin on the cause of global warming to Holocaust deniers, Goodman is actually suggesting evil intent on the part of ANYONE who raises questions about the set of assumptions that lead certain persons to conclude man is to blame for climate change. Holocaust deniers include persons of such ill repute as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Neo-Nazis, Muslim Jihadists, and other terrorists who pose a threat to civilization. The reason why this rhetorical tactic is over the top is that it is designed to browbeat into silence scientific inquiry, which by its very nature is ALWAYS raising doubts. The very reason why we know most of what we know about the universe today is precisely due to the bold, relentless inquiry of those who doubted the commonly accepted paradigms.

For example, before Galileo, over 90% of the educated world at that time clearly did not subscribe to the theory that led him to discover truths that changed all we know about the world. Yet Goodman claims that because a significant number of modern scientists are 90% certain that mankind created global warming, anyone who doubts that this is true is to be labeled as a dangerous subversive closely akin to Holocaust deniers such as Ahmadinejad.

Had Galileo not boldly walked through that narrow 10% window of doubt, which led to his questioning of ALL of our assumptions about the world, then mankind would still be stuck in the Dark Ages. Advances in scientific discovery are made PRECISELY because individual scientists are willing to question commonly-held assumptions. In the case of global warming, however, the scientific community is far from having a 'consensus,' as some claim. Significant doubt remains among some of the best minds in the world as to the degree to which mankind contributes to the problem. In fact, some of the brightest and best are denouncing the latest U.N. Report on Climate Change, as well as the Kyoto accords, as sheer politically-driven propaganda.

As The Liberty Sphere has reported within the last few weeks, two significant books are due to be published this year on the subject of climate change and how mankind actually has little or nothing to do with it. A mere cursory scanning of the history of the earth will show this fact. The Ice Age and the subsequent warming, the Medieval Warming Period and the subsequent 'Little Ice Age,' and the subsequent warming that has occurred since the end of the Little Ice Age, all point to the fact that man's activity has absolutely nothing to do with these cyclical changes in climate, which are attributable mainly to changes in solar activity.

As for Ellen Goodman, it is actually sad to see an otherwise bright woman fall for one of the biggest scams in human history. I expected better.

Nigel Calder, one of the foremost scientists in the world, writes today in the Sunday Times about this very issue. Calder asserts that hard science demands that the orthodoxy be challenged, particularly when it comes to the set of assumptions that lead some to assume global warming is caused by greenhouse gases.

For this MUST-READ, click here:

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