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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Climate Debate Turns Nasty

Washington, DC (TLS). Activists within the environmentalist movement are attempting to shut down debate about climate change and global warming. Determined to turn theory and hypothesis into 'science by consensus,' these ideologues demand strict adherence to their dogma that global warming has but one major cause--the activity of man.

Any scientist or climatologist who dares disagree based upon observable, hard science, is considered a heretic to be shunned.

Even a meteorologist on The Weather Channel asserted that any meteorologist that did not believe man caused global warming should have his/her credentials removed. This is in spite of the fact that there is widespread disagreement among scientists, climatologists, and meteorologists concerning the cause of global warming.

As I have written to you before in my Liberty Sphere exclusive that exposed the environmentalist movement as a political movement seeking to alter the course of society by restricting liberty, free enterprise, and capitalism, the issue is not global warming at all. The earth warms and cools in cycles, usually as a result of the sun's activity. Greenhouse gases can collect in the atmosphere totally apart from man's activity, as it was recently discovered that the planet Venus is uninhabitable due to its lack of a force field above its atmosphere to shield it from solar rays, causing the build-up of greenhouse gases.

This is not to mention that the earth has been in a gradual state of warming since the end of the last Ice Age.

That expose of the environmentalist movement will be re-posted today.

This is a singularly important matter, my friends, for much more is at stake here than simply what types of cars we drive. The environmentalist movement has a vested interest in placing the blame for climate change solely on man so that a different paradigm for existence can be ushered into society that is based not upon liberty but upon restrictions placed on citizens from a centralized source--the government.

The article below is a must-read on this continually breaking story.

  • Climate Debate CNS News
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