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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Where is Michael Moore?

The buffoons have been carefully hidden along with their idiotic views that most Americans find to be laughable--that is, until the votes were counted. Now we see the buffoons come to the forefront along with their proposals that are bereft of any rationality or thorough forethought...all except one buffoon, that is--Michael Moore.

Two years ago Moore could be found all over the media spouting his vitriol against the Bush administration, including some of the most outrageous lies and charges ever hurled at a sitting President, none of which has ever been verified as factual. This time, however, Moore is nowhere to be found.

So where is Michael Moore?

The strategy of the Democrats and this time around has become clear, i.e., hide the wackos and the wacky proposals until after the election. Then, when the public is still exhibiting a fair amount of goodwill toward the winners, roll out the wacky proposals, such as we've been seeing over the past week. Let the wacky proposals be rolled out by the wackos who believe in them--Pelosi, Conyers, Boxer, Feinstein, Waxman, Murtha, Reid, and company. Don't lead with the freshmen Congressmen who won because they are more conservative. Lead with your extremists.

Yet Michael Moore remains missing.

Apparently for the Democrats buffoonery has a rank stench only when it involves certain individuals who are deemed to be too 'curious' for the public to stomach. Moore certainly fits the bill. But they fail to realize that their own buffoonery has been on full display for over a week, and it's not over yet. They assure us that they are not going to withdraw from Iraq until a winning strategy is in place. Yet they ran against the war. They assure us they will bring honor back to Washington in light of a few Republican scandals. Yet two of the most ethically challenged members of Congress are taking center stage--Murtha and Reid. They claim they are not going to raise taxes. Yet in the same breath they say they will repeal the Bush tax cuts (such doublespeak one would expect to find in an Orwellian novel but not straight-faced by a politicians who respects the intelligence of the electorate).

Hint--to repeal a tax cut means taxes will go UP. Surprise, surprise!

Yet these buffoons are telling us straight-faced they will not raise taxes in the same sentence that they say they are going to repeal tax cuts.

Just how dumb do they think we are?

Apparently they think those who voted for them are pretty dumb or else they would not be able to get away with such obvious hypocrisy and doublespeak.

King Lear in the great Shakespearean tragedy called for his 'fool,' i.e., the court jester, to make merry even as the King was going down. We can take heart in the fact that Moore is one clown that hasn't been front and center these days.

The downside is we just elected an entire troupe of clowns at an extremely critical time in our history. Let's hope this is not some dark foreshadowing of the republic going down.

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