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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Notes from Here and There

Good Evening!

I have just a few brief comments on my notes from here and there, which you may or may not find interesting. Take them for what they're worth--the musings of a patriot who wishes to embolden other patriots.

**John Kerry sure knows how to give a sincere, heartfelt apology--that is, after being jerked off the campaign trail by frightened Democrats, and after his stinging defense of his words did not work.

**I stand with Barrons Online Magazine in their prediction that Republicans will retain control of both Houses of Congress, albeit by a slim margin. Barron's has been the ONLY correct prognosticator of election results in the past three elections.

**Should the Democrats win anything it will be the House. I can't imagine an extremist such as Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, but this may be a gift-horse in disguise if it happens. The extremist Leftwing will be on full display for the next two years, giving Americans the opportunity to see first-hand the danger these people are to the country.

**Lieberman will retain his Senate seat, but as an Independent. He stands to win big.

**Katherine Harris, I am sorry to say, will lose in Florida. The manner in which the Republican Party elite snubbed her entire campaign is shameful.

**McCaskill will lose to Talent in Missouri, and Ford will lose to Corker in Tennessee. The Virginia Senate race is a wild card.

**People who predict political races are usually wrong. Election results rest entirely in the hands of the voters. Be sure to vote.

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