As a believer in libertarian principles, I am quick to say that I do not always agree with the Libertarian Party. The Libertarian Party is to be distinguished from libertarian principles. Although the Party is usually consistent with these broad principles of liberty, there are instances where they veer off course. Their stance on immigration is one of those instances.
The Libertarian Party has long stood for the concept of 'open borders,' which maintains that human liberty is enhanced in this country by having a very lax policy of immigration. The foundational reasoning of this concept is that we are a nation of immigrants. Therefore, we should not prevent anyone from coming here.
Such a policy was acceptable in an era where there were no government handouts, no threat of annihilation by terrorists, and a willingness of immigrants to adopt the language and culture of this nation.
Today we face a much different scenario. Government handout programs provide children of impoverished nations, such as Mexico, the means by which to get free education, free healthcare, and a myriad of other programs not available in their country of origin. Terrorists routinely immigrate to this country for the specific purpose of killing Americans. Immigrants no longer wish to adopt the language and culture of their new homeland, but expect to be able to Pledge Allegiance to Mexico in our public schools, have the National Anthem sung in Spanish, and wave the Mexican flag at rallies.
Genuine American citizens who love this country do not engage in such activity.
In light of this fact, it is difficult to fathom the present Libertarian push to relax our immigration laws in an era in which we should be tightening them. Granted, the Republicans and Democrats have done no better. The 'border fence' is a joke. If we adequately enforced immigration law there would be no need for a fence. In addition, if the Republicans would stop groveling to businesses that engage in the unlawful hiring of illegal immigrants, and if the Democrats would stop depending on the votes they bought by the handout programs available to the children of illegal immigrants, we could quickly bring this volatile situation under control.
To date, however, nobody in the leadership of these three major Parties are willing to provide adequate solutions to a growing national problem.
Several Libertarian candidates would mandate that Spanish be taught in schools as a second language. But why should Americans be required to learn Spanish if we don't require immigrants to learn English? This does not solve anything but simply perpetuates the notion of entitlement on the part of those who come here supposedly because they PREFER our customs, our ways, our philosophy of government.
The day is coming when Americans will get their fill of this selling of the nation to foreign interests. We are quickly approaching that day. The resentment and outrage over the unwillingness of ANY politician to stop the madness is growing by the day. Before hostility erupts across the fruited plain, somebody, somewhere needs to step forward to take the bull by the horns and stop this gradual conquering of America.
So far, the Libertarians are no better on this issue than the Republicans or Democrats, I am sorry to say.
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