Senator Hillary Clinton, potential Presidential candidate for 2008, revealed today the philosophy on American foreign policy that drives the Democrat party. The clueless Clinton still insists that bilateral talks with North Korea should be the hallmark of foreign policy, despite the fact that her husband's bilateral negotiations with North Korea resulted in one of the most embarrassing and damaging blows to any Administration in American history.
Kim Jong-ill's development of nuclear weapons took place under Bill Clinton's watch, the result of an alarmingly naive policy of bilateral talks in which Kim pledged not to build nuclear weapons if the Americans would supply his country with the materials from which he could provide a much-needed energy source to the backward, struggling nation. Clinton, with the help of Jimmy Carter, obliged without as much as a hint of requiring Kim to allow the U.S. to verify that the materials were being used as an energy resource only.
The result was eight years of scheming, lying, and duping the Americans into believing these materials were being used to provide energy, when all along Kim put the materials to use in developing weapons with which he could one day hold hostage nations like Japan, South Korea, and ultimately the United States.
Yet Hillary Clinton and her ilk in the Democrat party refuse to acknowledge this gargantuan failure. Kim Jong ill has demonstrated time and again that he listens to no one but the Chinese government. Bilateral talks between the U.S. and North Korea serve no purpose but to allow Kim the opportunity to continue to spout lies that are intended to deceive the U.S.
The Bush Administration has long insisted that talks with Kim must be multilateral, making a place at the table for the Chinese, who would then use their influence to keep Kim in check. China's slap at the enigmatic Kim over his recent nuclear test was enough to produce an apology, thus proving the point that talks with the North Korean dictator MUST include the Chinese in order to produce positive results.
Democrats still fail to get it. From Hillary to Kerry to Kennedy, they continue to call for bilateral negotiations. Not only did Hillary today state that she would implement bilateral talks with North Korea but with Cuba as well. She used the term 'internationalism' to describe her philosophy of foreign policy.
This being the case, how do bilateral talks denote internationalism any more fully than multilateral talks, which include a variety of nations?
Apparently, given the contradictory nature of the Democrat stance, Hillary obviously uses the term 'internationalism' as a code word for opening up negotiations with nations like Cuba, granting international prestige to rogue nations that have a clear history of burying dissent and crushing liberty. The term is also indicative of the desire to turn over the oversight of American foreign policy to bodies such as the United Nations, giving the U.N. ultimate veto power over American national interests.
It is not to be forgotten that it was none other than Bill Clinton who advocated our joining the EU's International Criminal Court, which would have compromised American control over its own criminal justice system.
Regardless of the ultimate dire ramifications of such a policy, Hillary's inability to recognize the difference between success and failure with regard to North Korea portrays an alarming lack of insight and discernment on the part of one who would be President.
What is even more disturbing is that the Democrat party portrays the very same blindness.
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