The picture you see to the left appeared on the BBC and is found on a Masonic website in Wales. This particular order of Freemasonry is dedicated to unraveling some of the mysteries of the organization in order to assuage fears associated with its secrecy.
In Alabama, however, there is no secret to the fact that the Grand Lodge of Alabama excludes Blacks and that Governor Bob Riley is a member.
A fellow blogger who is himself a Mason has started a website dedicated to dispelling the myth that the Freemasons is a racist organization. His intent is to expose the racial exclusionary practices of some Masonic orders in the South that run contrary to the original intent of the founders of the Freemasonry movement.
Alabama Governor Bob Riley is a member of the Grand Lodge of Alabama, which adopted a highly offensive anti-Black proclamation in the late 1800s, which it has never rescinded. This information, which was first disclosed to the public by Alabama talk radio personalities Russ and Dee Fine, resulted in their being fired while still on the air.
On the website listed below, which is operated by a blogger who is a Mason, you will find an intriguing theory about the entire matter, linking the Bob Riley/Masonic scandal story to President Bush's visit to the state to stump for Riley. While parts of the theory, in my opinion, are over the top, it is an interesting read.
There is no doubt, however, that the Fines were fired as a result of pressure from the Grand Lodge, as a phone call in the middle of the night to the Fines indicates.
The question remains, should a sitting Governor be a member of an organization that excludes Blacks?
There is no doubt that a private organization has the right to exclude anyone it wants. That is not the issue. The Lodges of the Prince Hall, the Black Masons, have indicated they do not wish to be members of the Grand Lodges. This is their right as well. Again, this is not the issue.
The issue is should an elected government official, who is there to serve ALL the people, be a member of any organization that deliberately and by design excludes persons on the basis of race alone?
And should radio talk show hosts be summarily fired for asking the question?
Visit this Masonic website for the complete story--
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