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Monday, March 07, 2016

"He's over her for good..." Death often brings what life cannot...

I love most kinds of music, although I do have favorites. As much as some will be surprised, I like country music too -- traditional style. The following is probably one of the saddest love songs you'll ever hear, but it is also one of the most beautiful. It is sung by the late, great George Jones. Many, many people can relate to this song, as can I. This video is not mine, but listen and then go buy the recording.  More info on YouTube.


skybill said...

Hi Welshman,
Like you, I too love "Traditional Country Music!!" Although my Wife and I didn't "break Up" because of a Relationship riff...No .. it was because "Our lord Called for her....' But I still Love Her... and I still wear my (Our) Wedding ring...
Blue skies,

Anonymous said...

My all time favorite country song!

Welshman said...

Anon, I'm certain it's my favorite country song too. If ever there were a natural, pure voice that suited the type of country music George sang, that voice would be that of George Jones. That voice, together with this song, is the perfect combination that is just as good if not better than anything you will hear in any popular genre.

Skybill, I am very sorry to hear about the death of your wife. We find great comfort in knowing that "the Lord called her." But losses like that, and other types of losses, still hurt. God be with you my friend.