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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

The Gun Rights and Liberty News Roundup for 4/1/2014

David Codrea is back after a serious illness and hospitalization. Glad to have him back. At the link above you will find his latest at the Examiner. Always an informative read.

Mike Vanderboegh comments on an NRA board member who seems to be out of touch with the feelings of many of the citizens at pro-gun rallies.

Kurt Hofmann wants to know why the fact that "guns are everywhere in Georgia" is such a big problem for some people.

WRSA provides some links to news stories that dig into the violence that has been breaking out on the streets of Albuquerque, NM.

Karl Denninger tells a tale of two government stupids. Read it all.

Tam blogs on the SIG SP2022 and its performance at the range.

Traction Control shows off some great new products he has added to his gun store inventory.

The Wandering Minstrel provides info about a firearm that is now out of production -- the Remington "Bullpup" rifle.

Nicki shares her latest entry for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.

Brigid says that her new work, "The Book of Barkley," is now complete. She will have information very soon on how and where to get it.

Golden Geese News posts a worthwhile read on the decision by a judge that allows student athletes to unionize.

Stand Up America wonders why Obama departed from Saudi Arabia so abruptly during a visit to the ruling family.

Pamela Geller has been keeping an eye on Great Britain, which apparently has a growing problem with the public schools. Some of the schools have been caught serving as recruitment centers for radical Islam (Jihadis).

Alphecca says that Kentucky has a bill in the legislature that would allow victims of domestic violence to carry concealed deadly weapons without having to go through the usual permit procedure.

T.L. Davis provides some good reading on the subject of "the game of politics."

Days of our Trailers has more in his series on media bias against guns and gunowners.

The Smallest Minority presents his latest entry on runaway government.

The great Oleg Volk, photographer extraordinaire, shows off one of his masterpieces, this time on firearms training.

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