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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Top communication corporations help super-secret agency spy on Americans

But law enforcement officials told FP that there is a top secret liaison organization that falls within the organizational structure of the FBI. It is called the Data Intercept Technology Unit, or DITU. This agency is charged with the task of domestic spying on citizens and clandestine data collection.

DITU works directly with the top U.S. communications corporations, such as Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint, along with the nation's top technology companies -- such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Apple -- to gather information on multimillions of Americans.

This is how the big communications and technology corporations can get away with telling their customers that they do not send their personal, private information to the NSA. That information is instead sent to directly to DITU, which then funnels the information to its umbrella organization, the FBI, and then the NSA.
Click here to read the entire article at Anthony G. Martin's National Conservative Examiner.

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