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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Gun Rights and Liberty News Roundup for 7/31/2013

Way Up North reminds us of the importance of forging ahead with courage while at the same time remembering and honoring the past.

Mike Vanderboegh notes that the NRA is selling us out yet again. By the way, keep Mike in your prayers. He goes to the hospital tomorrow for a procedure to correct some glitches from his ongoing illness.

Kurt Hofmann blasts a federal judge in Illinois for what he just did to the self-defense rights of the people.

The Wandering Minstrel points out a possible loophole in the Illinois CCW law.

Days of our Trailers says that Chicago is simply Detroit 2.0.

WRSA informs us of the latest tyranny coming out of 'Bamaville.

David Codrea reports the latest news out of Mississippi in the court case where a judge has overruled the will of the people concerning gun rights.

Archer Garrett's Sentinel has all the news of importance to conservatives and libertarians.

Tam shows us how Detroit is similar to the country of Colombia.

Alphecca reports that an Arkansas school is going to buy CCW guns for their teachers!

Around O-Town says that America's teens are on a violent rampage.

Pamela Geller calls our attention to the growing practice of schools in firing cafeteria workers who accidentally give Muslim students food containing pork. I hope these workers are suing the pants off of the schools who did that.

Gateway Pundit notes that the Obama 2nd Quarter growth rate is the worst since the Great Depression.

A Geek With Guns provides provocative commentary on the Bradley Manning case.

The Price of Liberty comments on the news from a libertarian perspective.

The Daily Smug says that John McCain has admitted that amnesty is more important than additional Border Patrol agents.

Standing By posts a must-read on energy sources and "environmental professionals."

Nicki identifies the point at which she becomes politically incorrect.

The Stiletto reports that Obama has thrown black people under the bus.

Stand Up America rips into Barack Obama for referring to the series of scandals rocking the administration as "phony."


Archer Garrett said...

Appreciate the mention, my friend.

Welshman said...

You are most welcome, sir. Glad to have you aboard!