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Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Gun Rights and Liberty News Roundup for 6/20/2013

CLO has an update on the school student in West Virginia who has been charged with terrorism for merely wearing a t-shirt depicting a rifle and a statement in favor of gun rights.

Kurt Hofmann provides more on this story in his Examiner column today.

Pamela Geller reports that she and Robert Spencer are in deep trouble in the UK as the nation considers banning them due to their stand against Jihadists.

Around O-Town notes the latest example of just how loony-toons the Bastard's anti-gun mayors have become.

Blonde Sagacity offers "talking points for leftwing trolls."

Days of our Trailers says that running a stupid person around in circles for several hours can be more entertaining than a good book. Take a look.

Gateway Pundit notes that twice as many Tea Party activists turned out to protest the IRS than the small crowd Obama drew in Berlin for his speech.

Golden Geese News sets the record straight about the oft-repeated LIE that "we are a nation of immigrants." Don't let the Left or amnesty-drunk politicians get you to fall for that charade.

Oleg Volk presents one of his latest masterpieces on women and guns.

The Wandering Minstrel declares that the push to disarm America continues...

Traction Control reports that a gun manufacturer is moving from New York to Pennsylvania due to unreasonable new restrictions in New York. By the way, another gun manufacturer in Connecticut has decided to move to South Carolina for the same reason.

Way Up North posts some helpful hints for those who plan to visit Alaska for summer vacation.

Arms Vault Blog has the information on the death of Vince Flynn at the age of 47. Flynn was a staunch conservative and an author of note.

The Art of Manliness provides a blast from the past with "37 Conversation Rules for Gentlemen from 1875."

Billlls Idle Mind shares helpful hints for heavily armed homemakers.

BonnieGadsden has the must-read quote of the day on tyrants.

Stand Up America reports that what the government said about the demise of TWA Flight 800 in 1996 was FALSE. Any surprise?

David Codrea says that the ATF has released trace data and lost and stolen gun report for 2012.

Mike Vanderboegh provides the must read of the day on his upcoming trip to smuggle forbidden magazines into Colorado, and a friend who is urging him not to do so...

WRSA has something that should scare the living soup out of you. It's a pictorial scene from "Amerika in the near future." We had best get busy.

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