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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gov. Perry claims Second Amendment a 'states' rights' issue

In the aftermath of Monday's shooting near Texas A&M University, Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, told Fox News that the Second Amendment is a "states' rights" issue that each state should be able to decide for itself, according to Politico.

Perry made the statement in answer to a question concerning whether or not Texas would seek to implement tighter gun control laws as a consequence of the shooting that left three persons dead.

According to American Thinker,

Governor Rick Perry quickly responded by laying out his defense of gun rights.  "When it gets back to this issue of taking guns away from law-abiding citizens, and somehow know that's going to make the country safer, it's just that I don't agree with that," he told Fox News.  "I think most people in Texas certainly don't agree with that, and that is a state-by-state issue, frankly, that should be decided in the states and not again a rush to Washington, D.C., to centralize the decision-making."  And a majority of Texans, he offers, "believe that law-abiding citizens should be able to have their weapons."
The problem with Gov. Perry's statement, however, is that the Bill of Rights was never intended as a states' rights issue that is to be left up to the discretion of each state.

Click here to continue reading at Anthony G. Martin's National Conservative Examiner.

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