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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why GOP Candidates Must Shine Spotlight on Gunwalker Scandal

Yesterday's article was an open letter to the GOP Presidential candidates concerning the necessity for their focus on the Project Gunwalker scandal, otherwise known as 'Operation Fast and Furious.' Today's news shows why it is critical for the candidates to turn the spotlight on not only the scandal itself but the frantic and dangerous attempts of the Obama Administration to cover it up.
Initially the cover-up involved denials, lies, and stonewalling before Congressman Darrell Issa's committee in the House, which is investigating the scandal. Now the cover-up has turned retaliatory, retributive, and dangerous.
Issa himself is now the subject of ethics complaints designed to destroy his career. These complaints have been spearheaded by an Obama front-group, a progressive advocacy organization that claims Issa has used his office for private gain.
'American Family Voices' plans to file a complaint against Issa with the Office of Congressional Ethics.
The basis of the complaint is a now-discredited New York Times story that charged Issa with 'helping businesses in his district, including his own.'

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